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Commisioned Work

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Artwork for the Newtown Action Alliance, an Anti Assault Weapons group. The art, "26 Stars over Newtown" was used on Cards Ornaments, Mugs and pictures. $40,000 was raised. A framed picture was hung in the White House by President Obama displaying 120 NAA signatures.


A Congregational Commendation for the work was received from Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal

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Artwork for the inside covers of a series of best selling romance novels, The Blueberry Lane series.

A poster of a families favorite resort

hotel on the island of Fiji

A house portrait for a residence

in Ridgefield Connecticut

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A house portrait portraying the owner's house  in a folk art style .

A Vermont house portrait with family house

 and grandchildren

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A poster celebrating the opening of the new children's section of the Ridgefield library. 1000 posters were printed and given out to children who completed a Summer reading list.

Experience Fairfield, a Chamber of Commerce Post Covid Reopening. Street banners downtown, Posters and Town Scenes were featured in 5 Fairfield stores

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